Tuesday, May 3, 2016

April and almost.... May!

We are shocked at how fast this year is going - it won't be long and summer will be here! We can't believe that it is already time to say good-bye to our Amazing student teacher, Ms. Prilipp! This Thursday will be her last day in Mrs. Schlatter's room.

We are beginning our end of the year assessments and are looking forward to seeing all of the growth your children have been making here at school.

We will be wrapping up our spelling lessons. All spelling will be ending May 13. Keep your child practicing their spelling as they write in journals or letters to family over the summer! :0)

Our sight words work here in the classroom is now review work. We have introduced 300 words over the last 9 months! Keep reviewing them as well. We will be doing a final assessment at the end of May.

REMEMBER: May 11 - noon dismissal

The Orchard Hill talent show will be from 1-3:30 on May 31. We are lucky to have such amazing kids who are willing to share their talents with us!

We will have one more writing celebration later this month - keep your eyes open to your child's folder for your invitation!!

Last day of school - June 1

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 23

HAPPY SPRING!! We are so happy to be back with our friends after spring break!! 

We welcome Ms. Prilipp to Mrs. Schlatter's first grade classroom! She is a student from UNI and is already in full swing practicing her teaching!!

We are already sharing our colletions with our classmates and preparing our opinion pieces to share with others.

In math we have been busy learning about all kinds of measurement - even measuring things around our classroom! We are beginning our study of plants in science.

Keep filling up those reading folders - we are seeing so much growth in these readers!

We will be taking a field trip to GBDPAC to see the Little Red Hen on March 31st. This is always a fun outting and the kids always do a nice job representing Orchard Hill. 

Check out the photos below of happenings here in our classrooms...

Reading with our 5th grade friends 


Students from Peet Junior High Visit Classrooms to Read to Students

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Exciting week!!!

Our Iowa Winter is HERE!!

Wow! It has been so cold outside! BUT...we have enjoyed playing in the warm classroom!

We love reading with a buddy!

Ask your child about our NEW BOOK CLUB!! Mrs. Kohlhass came to our classrooms to tell us about an exciting opportunity to get even MORE reading minutes in each day! When your child comes to school each morning (beginning NEXT TUESDAY) they may choose to go to the brown portable for morning Book Club! The doors will open at 8:20 and kids will be sent into their classrooms at 8:45. What a great way to start our day! And...you should see all of the awesome books that she has to pick from - they ALL look wonderful! Your child may come to Book Club everyday of the week or just one or two. It is up to them - and up to you! We are so happy to have this available right here at Orchard Hill!! Thank you Mrs. Kohlhaas!!!

We are looking forward our Valentine party this Friday at 3:00! 

Just a reminder: Leader in Me night at Orchard Hill on Thursday, Feb. 25th
                           NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 26th
                           Hockey game on Friday night - February 26th - we sure hope to see you all there! :0)

Conferences are March 8th and 10th - please remember to sign up for a time on-line. Thank you!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lots of learning...

We have been busy with lots of mid-year assessments and we are seeing that our kids - are learning!! You may have noticed that you child is getting spelling words that may be a bit harder - that is because they are demonstrating that they are learning and remembering the words from their lists! Keep studying and working hard!

This Friday is MIXUP UP DAY - Wear anything that DOES NOT MATCH! :0) Help us raise money for the Humane Society and please bring a 0.50 donation!! :0)

Mark you calendars! February 25th from 5pm-6:30pm will be our Orchard Hill Leader In Me Night!!! We hope to see all of you there!!

More great photos from our milk and cookie celebration!! Way to go readers!! :0)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We are all glad to be back at school and ready for 2016!!!

Our 5th grade OH leaders are raising funds for the Humane Society - Let's do what we can to help them out! THANK YOU!

 January 8th is 80’s day! Please bring 50 cents to participate.

Gum day is 50 cents on 
 January 15th.

  Mix and match day is 50 cents on 
 January 22nd

Beginning on January 11th, we will begin our Blackhawk Reading Program, exactly what we did last year.  From January 11th to February 7th, students are encouraged to read 20 minutes every day.  If they read 20 minutes each day, including weekends, for four weeks, they will receive a free ticket to see the Waterloo Blackhawks play. Game day will be Friday, February 26th. Families will have the option to purchase discounted tickets for for $10.00 each. 

We will be hosting a Leader in Me Parent Night on February 25 at 5:30. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for some learning, dinner, and FUN!

We loved our visit from the Waterloo Blackhawk Hockey players! Even Tommy Hawk stopped in!!!
 We enjoyed wearing our pajamas to school and celebrating with milk and cookies for meeting our 1/2 way to ONE MILLION reading minutes goal!! Way to go readers!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! What a fun filled week we had here at OH!!

We have almost met our school wide mid-year reading goal!! Keep up the reading minutes over the break and we just know that we will meet that goal and celebrate with a P.J. day, cookies, and milk!! We will let you know what day that will be scheduled for once we offically meet the goal. :0) Please continue to keep track of the first few days of January on your child's December calendar - THANK YOU for all of your support with this!!

Oh, and remember - write down 5 books your child reads on the blue slip that you will find in your child's backpack and your child will be entered into the library reading contest. Please have them return the little blue sheet of paper when they come back to school next week!

Along with lots of enjoyable reading - over break please help your child review skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Enjoying time working with our 5th grade friends!!

Enjoying a holiday meal together!

We know that cold weather is really just around the corner - please remember to have your child bring hats, gloves, and all that warm weather stuff. It gets super cold on the playground! :0)

Happy Holidays to you and your families! Travel safe, enjoy one another, and be happy! :0)