Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! What a fun filled week we had here at OH!!

We have almost met our school wide mid-year reading goal!! Keep up the reading minutes over the break and we just know that we will meet that goal and celebrate with a P.J. day, cookies, and milk!! We will let you know what day that will be scheduled for once we offically meet the goal. :0) Please continue to keep track of the first few days of January on your child's December calendar - THANK YOU for all of your support with this!!

Oh, and remember - write down 5 books your child reads on the blue slip that you will find in your child's backpack and your child will be entered into the library reading contest. Please have them return the little blue sheet of paper when they come back to school next week!

Along with lots of enjoyable reading - over break please help your child review skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Enjoying time working with our 5th grade friends!!

Enjoying a holiday meal together!

We know that cold weather is really just around the corner - please remember to have your child bring hats, gloves, and all that warm weather stuff. It gets super cold on the playground! :0)

Happy Holidays to you and your families! Travel safe, enjoy one another, and be happy! :0)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lots of learning

We all continue to work on learning all of our sight words here in first grade! Our goal is to know 100 by the end of November.

Using cards to show ways to make 10 can be fun and something we would enjoy doing at home too! 

We enjoyed mixing up our classes and seeing different friends in different classrooms to read our poetry books! 

Reading poems that we know with friends is LOTS of fun!

Learning about birds and how feathers look and feel (and fall) :0)

Conferences are just around the corner - the week right after Thanksgiving!! We are certainly looking forward to sharing all of the great learning that is taking place here at school with each one of you! In the mean time - enjoy your time with family and friends and KNOW....WE are THANKFUL for YOU!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Mrs. Watters writing celebration

Thank you so much for joining us today for our first Writing Celebration!

Mrs. Barnard's Writing Celebration

Thank you so much for joining us today for our first Writing Celebration!!!

Mrs. Schlatter's Writing Celebration

Thank you so much to all of you that joined us for our first 
Writing Celebration!