Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Excitement in the air :0)

This Friday we will have our Orchard Hill Costume Parade!!! :0) Please feel free to come in and enjoy this fun event with us!! Parade begins at 2:45pm.
Reminder: Please no weapons or scary costumes!!
Help Wanted:

Volunteers to come in and listen to a first grader read or read to a first grader!! 

Are you available on 
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Fridays from 3:15-3:45? 
Please let your child's teacher know what day of the week works best for you and prepare yourself for a wonderful time!! We would love to begin next week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A BIG week ahead!

We have a big week ahead with Red Ribbon Week AND....our Halloween Parade at 2:45 on Friday - followed by treats and parties!!

Orchard Hill Red Ribbon Week Activities
October 26th-30th, 2015
Overall Theme:  “Leaders: Respect Yourself---Get your GRIT on and make healthy choices”

Monday: “Be Proactive---Get your GRIT on and make healthy choices.
Roll Up Your Sleeves Day: Students and staff are invited to “roll up the sleeves” of your shirt to go with our theme.
Tuesday: “Put First Things First: Readers become Leaders”
Students and staff are invited to show their Orchard Hill Pride by wearing black and red or Orchard Hill clothing today. 
Wednesday: “Synergize: Band Together against bullying and drugs”
Students and staff are invited to wear red to show our unity and to symbolize our commitment to work together and take a stand against bullying and drugs.
Thursday: “Begin with End in Mind: Believe; Achieve; and Lead”
Friday: “Sharpen the Saw: Celebrate GRIT and Healthy Choices”
Students and Staff are invited to “dress up” as a positive leader or a person from the past or present who had GRIT.

We certainly enjoyed having these two ladies in our classrooms this year! We thank them for all that they did and wish them all of the best!

Nonstandard measurement - using CANDY CORN! YUM!!

A little pumpkin making with our 5th grade friends!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thank you!!!

Thank you to all of that were able to join us for our Family Literacy Night!!! We had a great time and hope that you went home with lots of new information. Our Big Idea: Read, Read, Read!!! :0) We hope you are helping your child read their reading goal for the month of October!

Thank you to all of you that were able to make it to Pizza Ranch last Monday evening. We raised over $800!!!

Last of all, THANK YOU to our wonderful UNI student teachers - Miss Miller and Miss Smith! Miss Smith's last day will be Friday and Miss Miller's last day will be Monday. They have been a great part of our classrooms this year and they will be missed!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


We are all so excited to meet you HERE at 6 pm in the gym! Bring a book  - there will be a book swap!!

Friday is Picture Day!! SMILE!

Monday evening is our Pizza Ranch Fundraiser night! We hope to see you there. 

Remember October is Safety Month. We will continue to practice drills here at school. It is always a good idea to practice these at home too.

Fifth Grade readers! :0) Some of our friends shared reader's theater stories with us. Some of us spent our time reading to our 5th grade buddies! :0)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Readers are Leaders!!!

 We are so excited to begin bringing home our books to read to you!!! Please remember to check backpacks each night to find a book that your child can read to you. We would love your help in recording minutes read each night on the calendar that is attached to your child's book envelope! Thank you for helping us reach or exceed our goal of reading 10 minutes each night! :0) Remember to record the minutes you read to your child too! Our whole school is working to increase the time we spend reading - we KNOW that READERS are LEADERS!! Also - we are all looking forward to our upcoming Family Literacy Night on Thursday, October 8th - we have some great information to share with you!!

TOMORROW (FRIDAY): Wear PINK to show our support to all cancer fighters and survivors we know and love!

At work during math...

Mr. Berns shares great things with our classes!!

And...he does MAGIC! :0)