Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lots of learning...

We have been busy with lots of mid-year assessments and we are seeing that our kids - are learning!! You may have noticed that you child is getting spelling words that may be a bit harder - that is because they are demonstrating that they are learning and remembering the words from their lists! Keep studying and working hard!

This Friday is MIXUP UP DAY - Wear anything that DOES NOT MATCH! :0) Help us raise money for the Humane Society and please bring a 0.50 donation!! :0)

Mark you calendars! February 25th from 5pm-6:30pm will be our Orchard Hill Leader In Me Night!!! We hope to see all of you there!!

More great photos from our milk and cookie celebration!! Way to go readers!! :0)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We are all glad to be back at school and ready for 2016!!!

Our 5th grade OH leaders are raising funds for the Humane Society - Let's do what we can to help them out! THANK YOU!

 January 8th is 80’s day! Please bring 50 cents to participate.

Gum day is 50 cents on 
 January 15th.

  Mix and match day is 50 cents on 
 January 22nd

Beginning on January 11th, we will begin our Blackhawk Reading Program, exactly what we did last year.  From January 11th to February 7th, students are encouraged to read 20 minutes every day.  If they read 20 minutes each day, including weekends, for four weeks, they will receive a free ticket to see the Waterloo Blackhawks play. Game day will be Friday, February 26th. Families will have the option to purchase discounted tickets for for $10.00 each. 

We will be hosting a Leader in Me Parent Night on February 25 at 5:30. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for some learning, dinner, and FUN!

We loved our visit from the Waterloo Blackhawk Hockey players! Even Tommy Hawk stopped in!!!
 We enjoyed wearing our pajamas to school and celebrating with milk and cookies for meeting our 1/2 way to ONE MILLION reading minutes goal!! Way to go readers!!