Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Exciting week!!!

Our Iowa Winter is HERE!!

Wow! It has been so cold outside! BUT...we have enjoyed playing in the warm classroom!

We love reading with a buddy!

Ask your child about our NEW BOOK CLUB!! Mrs. Kohlhass came to our classrooms to tell us about an exciting opportunity to get even MORE reading minutes in each day! When your child comes to school each morning (beginning NEXT TUESDAY) they may choose to go to the brown portable for morning Book Club! The doors will open at 8:20 and kids will be sent into their classrooms at 8:45. What a great way to start our day! should see all of the awesome books that she has to pick from - they ALL look wonderful! Your child may come to Book Club everyday of the week or just one or two. It is up to them - and up to you! We are so happy to have this available right here at Orchard Hill!! Thank you Mrs. Kohlhaas!!!

We are looking forward our Valentine party this Friday at 3:00! 

Just a reminder: Leader in Me night at Orchard Hill on Thursday, Feb. 25th
                           NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 26th
                           Hockey game on Friday night - February 26th - we sure hope to see you all there! :0)

Conferences are March 8th and 10th - please remember to sign up for a time on-line. Thank you!!