Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Grade FUN

Hello Families! 
This week we have been working on writing number sentences and will begin learning subtraction.

 In reading have spent lots of time learning about reading behaviors: 
Take a sneak peek
 check your sneak peek
 do something at the end
 read more and more and keep track
 set goals
 reread to smooth out your voice
 scoop up words in phrases
  reread to see more
Next we will begin focusing on reading strategies! :0)

We are still working on writing our very own small moment stories: 
focusing on stretching out words
 listening for sounds
 including vowels
revising and adding details (who, what, when, where, and how)

Tomorrow we will have an all school assembly! The theme that we have adopted this year is - Always Together - Stronger Than Ever

These kids are so much FUN! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!!! Enjoy the 3 day weekend - NO SCHOOL on Friday!

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