Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fun in 5th grade!!! :0)

Another great week at Orchard Hill!!! :0)

We have been doing lots of reading here in the classroom and working on building our reading muscles! We are setting goals to read more and more. Soon, very soon, you will see books coming home in your child's backpack. Until then, keep reading to your child in the evening - it will be fun for all of you! :0)

We are working on how to write a small moment story (narrative). Make a plan, touch and tell our story, sketch, and then write. Ask your child about their small moment story! 

This week we will also begin practicing our spelling routines. We will work on words here at school. In a couple of weeks, you will get more information on our spelling assignments.

September 16 Orchard Hill Spirit Wear orders are due. If you need a new order form please let your classroom teacher know.

THANK YOU to so many of you that were able to attend the parent POWWER meeting this week! Your involvement is appreciated!!

We had a great day meeting our new 5th grade friends!

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